Kari Dahlgren

Coach | Author | Advocate

feel normal around food again

“Feel Normal Around Food” Coaching

Feel Normal Around Food Coaching: Let's work together one‑on‑one to stop compulsive eating

Get the tools, clarity, and support you need to stop compulsive eating without dieting ever again

Discover what the style of Feel Normal Around Food Coaching is like, if you're a great fit for it, and what to expect from a session:

Feel Normal Around Food Coaching; what it is, who it's for, how it goes

“I started coaching shortly after I purchased Food Normal. I loved Kari’s approach so much that I decided coaching was the next best step. I wasn’t sure what I needed from coaching but as we started working together, I never felt so accepted by anyone in my life.

My biggest accomplishment so far is that I went an entire month without compulsive eating, and I didn’t even realize it! And before that, I was able to move through the holidays without any binges or overeats, and that’s a big deal for me. I also had a very challenging vacation with lots of issues and didn’t turn to food for comfort where in the past I would have eaten as much as I could to stuff down my feelings.

Coaching with Kari has truly helped me break through. She can see things that I just don’t see until she points them out. Having her support and a judgement free space to express myself and be totally honest has been a truly life-changing experience.”

Jennifer B.

Here's Exactly What You Get When You Sign Up for Coaching

Live 1-on-1 Interaction: Deep, personalized conversation to uncover the root of the struggle around food. We'll identify where you're stuck and develop a clear plan to stop compulsive eating.

Insightful Sessions and Great Questions: Through guided conversations and thoughtful questioning, we'll identify the limiting beliefs and language patterns that contribute to self-sabotage.

Personalized Homework and Action-Based Tools: Receive tailored assignments and practical tools that leverage your strengths and meet you exactly where you are.

The Food-Freedom You’ve Been Craving: I can help you stop thinking about food 24/7, stop compulsive snacking, stop emotional and compulsive eating, and get back to life.

Experienced and Empathetic Support: As someone that has personally been in the trenches of compulsive eating, I aim to validate your experiences and provide a safe space to feel heard.

How long has it been since you’ve felt normal around food?

I mean actually felt trustworthy, sane and secure around food?

If it’s been too long to remember or if you’ve never felt that way – ever… I would love to help you get back to feeling normal around food. 

My specialty is helping you escape compulsive eating or obsessive calorie counting and live in harmony with your body…

This isn’t another diet or exercise program claiming food freedom only to send you down the same self-sabotaging path as before when the results are temporary and unsustainable…

Feel Normal Around Food Coaching is gentle and kind to the mind, body and soul. It helps you get back to life so you can enjoy food again without fear, guilt or shame.

Kelsey's headshot

“My mother actually is a nutritionist. I know plenty of healthy eating tips, but my struggle was with the psychological side that Kari writes about. I started coaching sessions after following her website content for a few months. Her warm and approachable personality allows me to feel safe being fully vulnerable, and her analytical mind has allowed me to discover life changing things about myself.

By helping me understand some of the unconscious things going on in my brain, and giving me day-to-day tools to continue the process on my own, I am happy, relieved, and grateful to say, it works! I actually left a plate of cake half-eaten at a family gathering. This is something that NEVER would have happened before. If you’re thinking about coaching, do it!!!”

– Kelsey K.

Sony's headshot

“As a small business owner and the father of a toddler, I spend a lot of time stressed out. I tend to eat when I’m in a bad mood, when I’m in a good mood, and whenever food is in front of me. I’ve done Noom and other diets and never kept the weight off with them. Because really, any strategy that is based around giving up substituting low-fat yogurt for ice cream is doomed from the get-go. I’ve had the pleasure of coaching from Kari and found her to be wise, open, and truly supportive. What makes her approach so different is that it’s helping me to deal with Why I eat, and the What/When/How is changing as a result. Not only am I feeling more in control around food, I see myself becoming a better father, husband, and boss in the process. I can’t recommend Kari (and her approach) highly enough.”

– Sony G.

After struggling for decades with compulsive eating, I created my own unique path to feeling normal around food again and making peace with body image that has nothing to do with diets or exercise.

My approach is all about psychology and spirituality. Psychology means digging into the reasons why you do the things you do around food; and spirituality means reconnecting with yourself and redeveloping trust in yourself again.

So, if you’re expecting diet advice paired with a fresh new workout each week… I’m not the woman for you.

But if you’re ready to explore the psychological and spiritual roots of your eating behaviors so you can enjoy your life again without the late night binges, then…

You're in the right place.


When you purchase a coaching session or package below, you’ll be immediately taken to an order confirmation screen that will show a calendar to instantly book your call. The page will also walk you step-by-step through what to expect. This includes — with zero rush — a “prework” questionnaire to help us make the most of our first call together and a link to take my favorite personality test (optional, but highly recommended — and fun).

You’ll like me if you like my work! Coaching works even better if you’re familiar with the basic principles of Psycho-Spiritual Wellness.

The best way to familiarize yourself is to get on my newsletter (and enjoy free and valuable emails) and check out any of my premium products, because those pack the most organized, powerful nuggets.

All my clients absolutely love our time together, and I believe that’s because my emails make it incredibly clear who I am and what I stand for.

Rates for coaching one-on-one are $180/hour. The rate goes down with a bigger commitment. Which brings me to the next question…

Absolutely! Many clients enjoy my “3-pack” coaching package, which offers a discounted rate of $150/session. I also offer a “10-pack” at my lowest rate, which is $125/session, and that also includes complimentary access to my brand new online course, Food Normal, a $347 value.

Yes! Some people enjoy the accountability and ongoing support of long-term relationships. Others just need a little kickstart. I’m happy to work with your for as short or long as you want! In fact, I always encourage new clients to start with just one session because we don’t even know if you need more than one session yet.

Sign Up for Feel Normal Around Food Coaching

Single Session



$540 $450


$2,147 $1,250

Here’s exactly how it works: Add the item you want (above) to your cart and complete your purchase. Immediately after, you will find a calendar to book your call along with “prework” to help you make the most of our first call together. If you have any questions, you can reach me at [email protected] anytime!