Kari Dahlgren

Coach | Author | Advocate

feel normal around food again

30 Spiritual Healing Quotes for Finding Strength and Inner Peace During Tough Times

30 inspiring quotes on spiritual healing

What if the secret to healing wasn’t in fixing what’s broken, but in learning to let go? Spiritual healing often begins when we stop fighting, stop controlling, and simply surrender to the flow of life.

In this article, we explore 30 inspiring spiritual healing quotes that encourage us to let go of control, embrace non-attachment, and find strength in vulnerability.

From the wisdom of ancient teachings to modern spiritual thought leaders like Brené Brown and Pema Chödrön, these quotes provide guidance for anyone on a healing journey.

Quotes on Spiritual Healing Through Non-Attachment


"Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know."

Pema Chödrön

Rather than resisting or running away from discomfort, we are encouraged to sit with it and learn what it is trying to reveal about ourselves. Healing begins when we stop avoiding our struggles and embrace them as opportunities for personal growth and transformation.


"To heal is to let go of everything we thought we knew and make space for what is."


Often, we cling to past beliefs or rigid ideas of how things should be, which prevents us from fully experiencing the present moment. By letting go of what we think we know, we open ourselves to the reality of ‘what is,’ creating space for true healing and acceptance.


"All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on."

Havelock Ellis

This quote emphasizes discernment in life—learning to differentiate between what truly serves our well-being and what creates suffering. Spiritual healing happens when we gracefully release what no longer serves us, making space for inner peace and joy.


“Let go of the battle. Breathe quietly and let it be. Let your body relax and your heart soften. Open to whatever you experience without fighting."

Jack Kornfield

Jack Kornfield’s words remind us that healing comes when we stop fighting against the flow of life. Our constant mental battles—whether with ourselves, others, or situations—create tension and resistance. Transformation occurs when we let go of this struggle, allowing the mind to relax and the heart to soften, opening us up to healing and personal growth.


"Non-attachment is not about being indifferent; it’s about letting go of clinging to things and people that are not yours to control."


Non-attachment is often misunderstood as emotional detachment or apathy, but this quote reminds us that it is about releasing the need for control. We suffer when we cling to outcomes, trying to force things to be a certain way. True spiritual healing happens when we accept that not everything is within our control, allowing us to engage fully in life without the burden of attachment.


"Sometimes you have to let go of the picture of what you thought life would be like and learn to find joy in the story you are actually living."

Rachel Marie Martin

Often, we hold onto an idealized version of how things should be, which prevents us from seeing the beauty in what we already have. True spiritual healing begins when we let go of these imagined narratives and learn to find joy and gratitude in the present, even if it’s different from what we once envisioned.

Spiritual Healing Quotes on Letting Go and Surrender


"Surrender to what is. Let go of what was. Have faith in what will be."

Sonia Ricotti

This quote encourages us to release our grip on the past and accept the present moment as it is. True healing happens when we stop resisting life’s flow and trust that the future holds opportunities for growth—something easier said than done, and that’s why inspiring quotes are so refreshing.


"Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on."

Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle reminds us that true strength lies not in holding on tightly to our beliefs, emotions, or situations but in releasing them when they no longer serve us. Clinging creates resistance, while letting go is an act of courage and self-liberation. By releasing our grip, we free ourselves from unnecessary suffering and invite healing into our lives.


"Let go of your attachment to being right, and suddenly your mind is more open."

Ralph Marston

This quote speaks to the spiritual healing that comes with humility or, at the very least, letting go. When we stop clinging to the need to be right, we open ourselves to new perspectives and experiences; and we also disengage from unnecessary squabbles and confrontation.


"By letting go, we create space for something new to enter."


This is one of my favorite spiritual healing quotes because it reminds me that subtraction isn’t always a bad thing. In fact, sometimes we need to start with subtraction before we can manifest the addition of something wonderful.


"In the process of letting go, you will lose many things from the past, but you will find yourself."

Deepak Chopra

As we release attachments to our past, we may feel as though we are losing a part of ourselves, but this process helps us rediscover our true essence. Letting go clears the way for self-discovery, inviting deeper healing and personal transformation.


"When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be."

Lao Tzu

Lao Tzu teaches that clinging to fixed identities or self-images limits our potential. By surrendering who we think we are, we allow ourselves to grow into something greater.

Finding Strength in Vulnerability


“The brokenhearted are the bravest among us. They dared to love.”

Brené Brown

As we seek spiritual healing, broken hearts often signify the immense bravery it took to open up and love fully, despite the risks. Brené Brown highlights that the willingness to love, knowing it could lead to pain, is a profound act of courage. Those who are brokenhearted demonstrate vulnerability, which, in turn, makes them incredibly strong.


"Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome."

Brené Brown

This quote from Brené Brown speaks to the core of spiritual healing: the willingness to step into the unknown, unguarded. True healing happens when we embrace uncertainty and allow ourselves to be fully seen, no matter the outcome. Brown’s work shows that it’s in this act of showing up, not in the outcome, that we find real strength and growth.


"Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light."

Brené Brown

This quote invites us to look inward, exploring the parts of ourselves we often fear or avoid. It’s only by facing these shadows that we can uncover the immense inner strength and light within. In spiritual healing, this means accepting all aspects of ourselves, even the painful ones, and recognizing that our courage to face them brings forth our true power.


"Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change."

Brené Brown

Spiritual healing often requires openness. By being vulnerable, we tap into new perspectives and possibilities. Transformation often takes place in ways we may have never imagined.


"Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy."

Brené Brown

This powerful quote encourages us to confront our personal stories, even the painful parts, rather than avoid them. In spiritual healing, true growth comes when we face our vulnerabilities head-on, allowing ourselves to experience love, joy, and connection. Brené Brown’s words remind us that while vulnerability feels risky, it’s a necessary part of living an authentic, fulfilled life.


"In our weakness, we find our strength; in our vulnerability, we discover our courage."


This quote speaks to the transformative power of embracing our vulnerabilities. In the context of spiritual healing, it reminds us that true strength isn’t about always being resilient or unbreakable—it’s about acknowledging our weaknesses and finding growth through them. 

Spiritual Healing Quotes on Finding Inner Peace

At this point, my commentary for each quote might be starting to feel a bit repetitive, but there are just too many powerful quotes I want to share! So, I’ll skip the tangents for now and simply leave you with some of my favorite quotes on finding inner peace along your spiritual journey.


"You find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life, but by realizing who you are at the deepest level."

Eckhart Tolle


"You’ll never find peace of mind until you listen to your heart."

George Michael


"Within you, there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself."

Hermann Hesse


"Learning to ignore things is one of the great paths to inner peace."

Robert J. Sawyer


"Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be."

Wayne Dyer


"The more you know yourself, the more you seek silence and peace within."

Maxime Lagacé

Quotes on Spiritual Healing Through Compassion

To round off this roundup of spiritual healing quotes, I want to leave you with some nuggets on compassion. When times are tough, it’s easy to slip into self-critical tendencies, but compassion is far more helpful when we’re in search of spiritual healing. Here are some inspiring quotes to help you do just that.


"Compassion is the wish to see others free from suffering."

Dalai Lama


"The simplest acts of kindness are by far more powerful than a thousand heads bowing in prayer."

Mahatma Gandhi


"Our sorrows and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion."

Jack Kornfield


"Compassion is the keen awareness of the interdependence of all things."

Thomas Merton


"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

(often attributed to Ian Maclaren, but it is also sometimes attributed to Plato, Philo, and Socrates)


"Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded. It’s a relationship between equals."

Pema Chödrön

Take the Next Step in Your Spiritual Healing Journey

As you’ve journeyed through these powerful quotes on spiritual healing, you might be feeling a deeper connection to yourself and the process of letting go. Healing is never a one-size-fits-all path, and for many, our relationship with food can be a key part of that journey.

That’s where I come in—I’m Kari Dahlgren, a Mayo Clinic-trained wellness coach specializing in the psychology of eating. My approach blends mindfulness, spiritual healing, and practical tools to help people transform their relationship with food. If this resonates with you, I invite you to dive deeper with my free resource, The Spiritual Seeker’s Guide to Stop Binge Eating.

This guide is designed to help you explore the emotional and spiritual roots of binge eating and offer practical steps to find balance and freedom. It’s a natural extension of the healing themes we’ve explored here. If you’re ready to take the next step in your healing journey, sign up below!

Keep It Going: Get The Spiritual Seeker's Guide to Stop Binge Eating (Free Ebook)

want this epic 13-page ebook on eating psychology?

Your journey to food freedom is only just beginning. Download my free ebook, The Spiritual Seeker’s Guide to Stop Binge Eating, to dive deeper into a unique approach that blends eating psychology with spirituality. This guide will help you take a momentous leap towards feeling normal around food again.

By signing up, you’ll also receive a 5-day email course packed with practical tips to support you every step of the way. My emails go even deeper than my blog—see for yourself by signing up below. You can unsubscribe anytime.

You're On a Roll: Take the Eating Psychology QUIZ!

Even if you struggle with overeating, I bet I can guess your strength around food.

You're Really on a Roll: Let's Put an End to Self-Sabotage

Ready to dive even deeper into your journey of self-discovery? I proudly present my most celebrated workbook, Why We Do the Things We Do. This 75-page digital workbook reveals your unique psychological blocks to compulsive eating. By actually putting pen to paper, you’ll be surprised by what comes up.

Some say ‘feel it to heal it’ but this workbook takes it a step deeper and helps you ‘see it to heal it.’ If you’re the kind of person who logically knows how to live a healthy lifestyle but you compulsively do the opposite, this workbook will illuminate what’s standing in the way. Then, you know exactly where to focus your energy.

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