The Stop, Drop, & Feel Masterclass



The Stop, Drop, & Feel®️ Masterclass

Discover the exact steps to master the Stop, Drop, & Feel and stop a binge in its tracks with my time-tested roadmap.

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$117. In this lasered-in online course, you'll get instant access to:

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The Stop, Drop, & Feel is the #1 tool for stopping compulsive eating the psycho‑spiritual way

Just imagine…

  • Feeling confident around food because you have a doable, step-by-step roadmap to navigate every step, every contingency, every mistake to avoid
  • Transforming self-criticism into self-compassion. I’ve been there before, flailing around in compulsive eating, and I know the struggle intimately, so all my advice is steeped in compassion
  • Stopping halfway through a meal or dessert, not because you’re resisting it or because this is the goal, but because it’s the natural byproduct of “feeling your feelings” all the way through
  • No longer identifying as an “emotional eater” because you know exactly how to adapt the SDF to your specific needs and you’re actually using it on the regular

This is a tangible reality within your grasp once you enroll in the all-new Stop, Drop, & Feel Masterclass, which has been completely refilmed and refreshed for 2024.

This meticulously organized course isn’t just about learning; it’s about gaining traction on the path to stopping compulsive eating with the help of laser-focused clarity.

This masterclass will help you save time and frustration!

I created it based on all the questions and feedback I’ve received over the last 6 years. (Read: You’ll save yourself years of trial and error)

Have you ever found yourself deep in the rabbit hole of free blogs and endless YouTube tutorials, trying to piece together a solution?

Free stuff is great! But let’s be real: they often come with a hidden cost. Confusion. Incomplete information. Time wasted doing something incorrectly without knowing it. And that’s where the Stop, Drop, & Feel Masterclass comes in.

Consider this masterclass your ultimate shortcut.

It’s the culmination of over six years of direct feedback, insights, and real-life applications.

What does that mean for you? No more guesswork. No more piecemeal learning. Just a straightforward, step-by-step guide that’s been meticulously crafted based on what people like you truly need.

With the Stop, Drop, & Feel Masterclass, you’re not just purchasing a course; you’re investing in a clearer path to understanding yourself and mastering compulsive eating habits. And that, my friend, is priceless.

One of my masterclass students, Milia, said it perfectly:

You're completely covered by my

(a 14-day return policy for peace of mind)

Peek Behind the Curtain: The Curriculum Unveiled

Imagine sidestepping the entire maze of trial and error, dodging the all-too-common pitfall of running in circles. That’s exactly what this masterclass promises—a streamlined avenue to clarity and mastery, neatly wrapped up and ready for your journey.

Once you enroll in the Stop, Drop, & Feel Masterclass, you’ll gain instant access to seven meticulously crafted video lessons, each one a deep dive into the intricacies of understanding and reshaping your relationship with food.

Here are the 7 videos included in the Stop, Drop, & Feel Masterclass:

  • Beyond the Basics: This masterclass provides an in-depth exploration of the SDF technique, offering advanced insights that you won’t find on my blog or YouTube channel.
  • Strategies for Managing Emotion: Gain insights into recognizing and managing your emotions, alongside detailed guidance on implementing the SDF in emotionally charged situations.
  • Real-Life Applications: Explore practical scenarios illustrating how to weave the the Stop, Drop, & Feel into your everyday life.
  • Navigating Common Pitfalls: Uncover the six most frequent mistakes encountered while practicing the SDF technique and learn strategies to steer clear of these pitfalls.
  • Updates and Enhancements: Discover the latest enhancements and updates to the SDF technique, making this lesson the most updated for 2024!
  • Learning from Real Experiences: Benefit from a blend of personal anecdotes and student-shared experiences, providing a rich, diverse perspective on common missteps and how to effectively overcome them.
  • Identifying the Optimal Moment: Master the skill of pinpointing the ‘ideal’ instances for employing the Stop, Drop, & Feel method for your unique circumstances, ensuring maximum effectiveness.
  • Addressing “Blur Eating”: Learn strategies to enhance self-awareness and actionable steps if you find yourself lacking the necessary awareness to apply the SDF technique before a binge.
  • Personalizing the SDF Approach: Acquire tips on tailoring the timing of the Stop, Drop, & Feel to align with your individual lifestyle and emotional patterns, ensuring a personalized and effective approach.
  • Interpreting “Nothing”: Explore the significance of encountering a sense of ‘nothingness’ during your SDF practice, and learn strategies to understand and respond to these moments constructively without ever feeling lost again.
  • Decoding Boredom Eating: Move beyond the deceptive simplicity of boredom eating to discover the often-overlooked emotions that lie beneath the surface.
  • Enhancing Emotional Awareness: Gain practical troubleshooting tips for moments when emotions seem elusive or hard to label during the Stop, Drop, & Feel process, enhancing your emotional awareness.
  • Confronting Avoidance: Identify and understand the top three reasons that lead to avoiding the Stop, Drop, & Feel, gaining insight into your personal barriers to practice.
  • Overcoming Resistance: Learn effective strategies to break through resistance, enabling you to embrace and fully engage with the Stop, Drop, & Feel.
  • Motivating Action Against Reluctance: Discover motivational techniques and mindset shifts that can encourage you to commit to the SDF practice, even when it feels challenging or undesirable.
  • Decoding the Neuroscience of Fear: Delve into the brain science behind fear, gaining a foundational understanding of how fear operates and affects your Stop, Drop, & Feel practice.
  • Deconstructing Fear as a Barrier: Learn how to dissect and understand fear as an obstacle, transforming it from a hindrance into an opportunity for growth within the context of the SDF method.
  • Working with, Not Against, Fear: Acquire practical tips on navigating fear effectively, leveraging your understanding of psychology to transform fear into a catalyst for positive change and empowerment in your SDF journey.
  • Real-Life Applications: Explore five specific, relatable examples that illustrate the practical application of the Stop, Drop, & Feel technique in everyday life, drawn from both personal experiences and client case studies.
  • Addressing Common Cravings: Gain insights into effectively using the SDF method to navigate and manage common cravings, such as the desire to eat late at night or cravings for sweets after dinner.
  • Customized Strategies for Typical Scenarios: Learn tailored strategies and tips for employing the SDF in typical daily scenarios, enhancing your ability to take action with this all-important tool.

Enroll Now & Lock-In Lifetime Access

Your enrollment doesn’t just open the doors to the current wealth of resources—it guarantees you access to all future updates, just like this full content refresh for 2024. As the Stop, Drop, & Feel Masterclass evolves, so will your toolkit.

Embark on this journey once, and it’s yours to revisit, time and time again, for life.

Here’s exactly what you get with the Stop, Drop, & Feel Masterclass:

You're completely covered by my

(a 14-day return policy for peace of mind)

I’ll be right there with you—literally! Guided meditations offer extra accountability 

Resistance to the Stop, Drop, & Feel is normal. Many of us intend to use this tool, but we never get around to it. That’s a completely normal reaction to something uncomfortable

A great way to overcome Resistance is the ability to just press play — and that’s what these meditations are for.

As you’re getting into the habit of doing the Stop, Drop, & Feel, it helps to have structure, and that’s what these meditations are for. You can just “plug ‘n play.”

Each guided SDF meditation takes you through a different series of visualizations, self-inquiry, and gentle encouragement to surrender to your feelings to stop overeating patterns long-term.

Here’s how the meditations helped my student Brynna make peace with food:

The “Bamboozle-Free Guarantee”

I’m confident that this masterclass will leave no stone unturned with the Stop, Drop, & Feel. By the end, you’ll have crystal clarity to move forward with this tool. 

That why I cover this masterclass with a 14-day money-back guarantee (like I do for all my products).

If you’re unhappy for any reason, just send an email to hello[at]karidahlgren[dot]net asking for a refund. I respond to all my emails within 24 hours Mon-Fri and 48 hours on the weekend.

There is zero risk in giving this masterclass a try. But there’s a whole lot you can learn. Namely: overcoming compulsive eating long-term.

How Do I Get All the Goodies?

Simply add this item to your cart and complete checkout.

After placing your order, you will immediately see a button that says “set your new password here.” Click that button, set your password, and you’ll gain instant access to the masterclass videos.

You can access the masterclass videos from your mobile phone, desktop, or both! The login instructions will also be emailed to you. All bases are covered.

Click the button below to get started:

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(a 14-day return policy for peace of mind)

One Last Story

You’ve almost reached the end of this page. Since you made it allll the way down here, I have a really sweet story to share. 

It’s one of the longest testimonials I’ve received over the years for the Stop, Drop, & Feel masterclass. If you can relate to Karen’s story, I hope to see you inside the masterclass!

If you relate to any of Karen’s story—of wracking your head against the wall with the  food struggle—this masterclass has the step-by-step roadmap you need.

Click the button below to enroll now and start feeling confident around food:

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(a 14-day return policy for peace of mind)