Kari Dahlgren

Coach | Author | Advocate

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30 Greatest Spiritual Books of All Time—Inspiration for Mindfulness, Universal Guidance, & Personal Growth

Whether you’re seeking guidance from the universe, looking to cultivate mindfulness, or embarking on a journey of personal growth, spiritual books can be powerful tools for transformation.

This article breaks down the 30 best spiritual books of all time, organized into sections that target different aspects of the spiritual journey. Whether you’re looking to deepen your intuition, find mindfulness in everyday life, or awaken to a higher state of consciousness, you’ll find a book here that speaks to your soul.

The Best Spiritual Books on Intuition and Universal Guidance

In a world filled with distractions and constant external input, many of us yearn to connect more deeply with our inner selves and the greater universe. Books on intuition and universal guidance offer the tools to tap into a higher power, recognize the subtle signs around us, and trust our inner knowing.

Here are some of the top recommended spiritual books on intuition and universal guidance:

1. Signs: The Secret Language of the Universe

Author: Laura Lynne Jackson

Signs teaches us how to recognize and interpret the signs that the universe is constantly sending our way. Laura Lynne Jackson, a renowned psychic medium, explains how to tap into these universal messages. This book—the second most recently published in this roundup—is perfect for anyone looking to deepen their connection to the spiritual realm and trust in the subtle ways the universe communicates with us.

2. Conversations with God

Author: Neale Donald Walsch

In Conversations with God, Walsch shares his personal dialogue with a higher power. Readers who are questioning their life’s direction or seeking spiritual answers will find solace and enlightenment in this profound conversation that encourages us to rethink our relationship with the divine.

3. The Celestine Prophecy

Author: James Redfield

One of my personal favorites, The Celestine Prophecy is a spiritual adventure novel that invites readers to embark on a journey of awakening. Through its gripping narrative, it introduces powerful concepts such as synchronicity, energy fields, and the interconnectedness of all things. The book illustrates how paying attention to life’s coincidences can reveal the universe’s guidance for personal and collective evolution. 

4. The Alchemist

Author: Paulo Coelho

This is another one of my favorite spiritual books, and it’s a fiction book at that. Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist is a timeless story about following your dreams and trusting the wisdom of the universe. Through the journey of Santiago, a young shepherd in search of a treasure, readers are reminded that the universe conspires to help us achieve our deepest desires. This book contains strong themes of listening to the signs of the universe as guideposts.

5. The Power of Now

Author: Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now explores the importance of living fully in the present moment. By tuning into the now, we can transcend the egoic mind, which often keeps us trapped in fear, regret, and worry. This book offers a powerful tool for anyone looking to quiet their mind, deepen their intuition, and connect with the higher consciousness that exists in the present moment.

Books on Personal Growth with a Spiritual Influence

Personal growth books with a spiritual influence offer a unique blend of practical wisdom and soulful reflection. These spiritual books help readers develop self-awareness, break through emotional barriers, and align with a deeper sense of purpose.

Here are some of the best books for personal growth with a spiritual influence:

6. The Untethered Soul

Author: Michael A. Singer

The Untethered Soul guides readers to understand the nature of their inner voice and break free from limiting thoughts. Singer teaches how to detach from the mind’s constant chatter, allowing you to live with more inner peace and spiritual clarity. This book is ideal for those seeking greater emotional freedom and personal awakening.

7. The Mountain Is You

Author: Brianna Wiest

Brianna Wiest’s The Mountain Is You focuses on self-sabotage and the inner work required to overcome it. Wiest shows how our greatest struggles are often internal mountains, and by facing them, we can transform ourselves. This book is perfect for those ready to confront their limiting beliefs and take a more empowered approach to personal growth.

8. Mind Magic

Author: James Doty

This is one of the most recent spiritual books I’ve purchased. I love it so much that I’ve highlighted pages in the preface! (Do you ever read the preface? I rarely do, it’s a testament to how powerful this book is.)

In Mind Magic, neurosurgeon James Doty shares his journey of spiritual transformation through mindfulness and compassion. Blending science with spirituality, Doty offers practical techniques for cultivating emotional resilience and overcoming life’s challenges. This book is a unique guide for those looking to combine personal growth with heart-centered practices.

9. The Four Agreements

Author: Don Miguel Ruiz

The Four Agreements presents four simple yet profound principles: be impeccable with your word, don’t take things personally, don’t make assumptions, and always do your best. Rooted in ancient Toltec wisdom, Ruiz’s teachings offer a powerful framework for transforming your life by changing the way you think and interact with the world.

10. Big Magic

Author: Elizabeth Gilbert

This book sat on my desk every day for ten months while I wrote my first book. Not only is it the ultimate cure for writer’s block, but it turns creativity into a truly spiritual journey.

Big Magic is an inspiring guide to living a life fueled by curiosity and creativity. Gilbert encourages readers to embrace their creative passions without fear or perfectionism. With practical advice and personal anecdotes, this book helps individuals unlock their creative potential and live more authentically.

11. The Artist’s Way

Author: Julia Cameron

The Artist’s Way is a 12-week program designed to help individuals recover their creativity and overcome emotional or mental blocks. Cameron’s exercises, such as the “Morning Pages” and “Artist Dates,” invite readers to connect with their inner artist and heal through creative self-expression. This book is perfect for anyone looking to combine personal development with artistic exploration.

FREE Bonus: The Spiritual Seeker's Guide to Stop Binge Eating

Author: Kari Dahlgren

If you’re interested in spirituality, and if you’ve ever struggled with compulsive eating, you’ll love my free ebook, The Spiritual Seeker’s Guide to Stop Binge Eating. It dives deep into the spiritual roots of compulsive eating along with tips for healing your relationship with food.

Books on Personal Growth with a Spiritual Influence

Personal growth books with a spiritual influence offer a unique blend of practical wisdom and soulful reflection. These spiritual books help readers develop self-awareness, break through emotional barriers, and align with a deeper sense of purpose.

Here are some of the best books for personal growth with a spiritual influence:

12. When Things Fall Apart

Author: Pema Chödrön

I am a big, big fan of Pema Chödrön. In her flagship book, When Things Fall Apart, she offers invaluable advice for dealing with life’s inevitable pain and uncertainty. Pema Chödrön teaches that by embracing rather than resisting difficult emotions, we can find inner peace and healing. With her blend of Buddhist wisdom and compassionate insights, this book is a powerful guide for anyone seeking emotional resilience and personal transformation during hard times.

13. Comfortable with Uncertainty

Author: Pema Chödrön

In Comfortable with Uncertainty, Pema Chödrön presents teachings on how to navigate uncertainty and impermanence with an open heart. Through a series of short meditations and practical exercises, she encourages readers to cultivate compassion and mindfulness in the face of discomfort.

14. The Subtle Body

Author: Cyndi Dale

Of all the spiritual books in this list, The Subtle Body is the biggest and thickest because it’s an encyclopedia—the most interesting one you’ll ever own. The Subtle Body is an in-depth exploration of energy healing and the subtle energy systems within the body.

Cyndi Dale covers everything from chakras and auras to meridians and energy anatomy, offering a comprehensive guide to holistic healing. This book is ideal for readers interested in alternative medicine and energy work, providing the tools and knowledge needed to tap into the body’s innate healing power.

15. Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma

Author: Peter A. Levine

Waking the Tiger explores the nature of trauma and how it manifests in the body. Peter Levine introduces somatic experiencing as a method of releasing stored trauma, releasing trapped emotions, and reclaiming vitality. By focusing on the body’s innate ability to heal itself, this book offers a revolutionary approach to overcoming the effects of trauma.

16. The Body Keeps the Score

Author: Bessel van der Kolk

In The Body Keeps the Score, Bessel van der Kolk explores how trauma impacts the body and brain. Drawing on decades of research, van der Kolk explains how traumatic experiences are stored in the body and how this can lead to emotional and physical symptoms. The book provides both scientific insight and practical techniques for healing from trauma, making it an essential read for those on a path of emotional recovery and transformation.

Spiritual Books on Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness and meditation are powerful practices that can help us find peace, clarity, and presence in our everyday lives. These books offer practical guidance on how to cultivate mindfulness and deepen meditation practices, making it easier to connect with the present moment and experience inner stillness.

Here are some of the best spiritual books on mindfulness and meditation:

17. Wherever You Go, There You Are

Author: Jon Kabat-Zinn

Wherever You Go, There You Are is a classic introduction to mindfulness, written by one of the pioneers of modern mindfulness practices. Jon Kabat-Zinn explains how to incorporate mindfulness into daily life through simple, practical exercises. This book is perfect for those looking to live more fully in the present moment and develop a sense of calm amidst life’s chaos.

18. Peace Is Every Step

Author: Thich Nhat Hanh

In Peace Is Every Step, Thich Nhat Hanh offers gentle wisdom on how to bring mindfulness into all aspects of life. From breathing exercises to walking meditation, his teachings emphasize finding peace in the present moment, no matter the circumstances. This book is an essential read for those seeking to live mindfully with greater compassion and awareness.

19. How to Meditate

Author: Pema Chödrön

How to Meditate provides a step-by-step guide to starting and deepening your meditation practice. Pema Chödrön—beloved Buddhist nun who deservingly made this list three times so far—offers clear, practical advice for anyone seeking to bring meditation into their life. This book is ideal for beginners as well as seasoned meditators looking for a fresh perspective on their practice.

20. 10% Happier

Author: Dan Harris

I read this book when it first came out a decade ago, and it’s still one of my favorite spiritual books. In 10% Happier, news anchor Dan Harris shares his personal journey from skeptic to meditator, showing how mindfulness transformed his life. This book is perfect for those who are curious about mindfulness but unsure where to begin, offering a relatable and realistic approach to meditation.

21. Be Here Now

Author: Ram Dass

Be Here Now is a spiritual classic that explores the transformative power of living fully in the present moment. Ram Dass blends Eastern philosophy with Western thought, offering profound teachings on mindfulness and spiritual awakening. With its unique format and timeless wisdom, this book is a must-read for anyone looking to explore the deeper dimensions of mindfulness and meditation.

Top-Rated Books on Spiritual Awakening and Enlightenment

Spiritual awakening and enlightenment are about transcending everyday consciousness to discover a deeper connection with life and the universe. These books provide profound insights and practical guidance for those on a journey of self-realization, helping readers shift their perspectives and tap into higher wisdom.

Here are some of the best books on spiritual awakening and enlightenment:

22. A New Earth

Author: Eckhart Tolle

In A New Earth, Eckhart Tolle explores the ego’s role in human suffering and offers practical advice for transcending it. Through mindfulness and presence, Tolle shows readers how to awaken to a higher state of consciousness and create a more peaceful, purposeful life.

23. The Wisdom of Insecurity

Author: Alan Watts

In The Wisdom of Insecurity, Alan Watts delves into the human tendency to seek security in a constantly changing world. He explains how our fear of uncertainty keeps us disconnected from the present moment and offers a philosophical yet accessible approach to embracing impermanence.

24. Sacred Contracts

Author: Caroline Myss

Sacred Contracts helps readers discover their divine purpose by identifying the spiritual agreements we make before we are born. Caroline Myss blends intuition, psychology, and spirituality to guide readers toward understanding their life’s meaning and fulfilling their soul’s mission.

25. The Tao of Pooh

Author: Benjamin Hoff and E. H. Shepard

The Tao of Pooh introduces Taoist principles through the beloved character of—you guessed it—Winnie the Pooh. With simplicity and charm, Hoff shows how Pooh’s way of being aligns with Taoism’s teachings on living harmoniously with the flow of life, offering a lighthearted yet profound spiritual lesson.

26. The Book of Awakening

Author: Mark Nepo

Mark Nepo’s The Book of Awakening is a daily devotional that encourages readers to reflect on life’s deeper meanings. Filled with poetic reflections and spiritual insights, this book is perfect for those looking to cultivate mindfulness and spiritual growth through everyday moments.

27. Becoming Supernatural

Author: Dr. Joe Dispenza

Becoming Supernatural bridges the gap between science and spirituality by showing how meditation, visualization, and mindfulness can lead to profound transformation. Dr. Joe Dispenza explains how to unlock the mind’s potential to heal the body, transcend emotional limitations, and access higher states of consciousness.

28. The Diamond Cutter

Author: Geshe Michael Roach

Does business have a place in this roundup of spiritual books? Absolutely. The Diamond Cutter blends ancient Buddhist teachings with practical business strategies to create a path to success that is both financially rewarding and spiritually aligned.

Spiritual Books on Astrology

Astrology provides insight into our personalities, life paths, and the cosmic forces that shape our experiences. These books explore the deeper spiritual aspects of astrology, helping readers understand their soul’s purpose and navigate life through the lens of the stars.

Here are some of my favorite books on astrology:

29. Astrology for the Soul

Author: Jan Spiller

Astrology for the Soul focuses on the North Node in astrology, which reveals your soul’s purpose and karmic lessons. Jan Spiller offers practical insights and interpretations to help readers understand their spiritual mission and how to grow in alignment with their higher self. It’s an essential guide for anyone exploring the spiritual dimension of astrology.

30. Human Design

Author: Chetan Parkyn

Human Design is a synthesis of astrology, I Ching, Kabbalah, and the chakra system, offering a unique blueprint of your energetic makeup. This system helps you understand how you are wired to interact with the world and make decisions in alignment with your true nature. It’s perfect for those who want to explore a more personalized and spiritual approach to self-discovery through astrology.

My Human Design subtype is a Self-Projected Projector, which makes me a great coach and guide because I naturally tap into my inner authority by speaking and processing my thoughts out loud. This allows me to offer clear, intuitive guidance that resonates deeply with others, helping them find clarity and alignment in their own lives. If you know what your Human Design type is, let me know in the comments below!

Keep It Going: Get The Spiritual Seeker's Guide to Stop Binge Eating (Free Ebook)

want this epic 13-page ebook on eating psychology?

Your journey to food freedom is only just beginning. Download my free ebook, The Spiritual Seeker’s Guide to Stop Binge Eating, to dive deeper into a unique approach that blends eating psychology with spirituality. This guide will help you take a momentous leap towards feeling normal around food again.

By signing up, you’ll also receive a 5-day email course packed with practical tips to support you every step of the way. My emails go even deeper than my blog—see for yourself by signing up below. You can unsubscribe anytime.

You're On a Roll: Take the Eating Psychology QUIZ!

Even if you struggle with overeating, I bet I can guess your strength around food.

You're Really on a Roll: Let's Put an End to Self-Sabotage

Ready to dive even deeper into your journey of self-discovery? I proudly present my most celebrated workbook, Why We Do the Things We Do. This 75-page digital workbook reveals your unique psychological blocks to compulsive eating. By actually putting pen to paper, you’ll be surprised by what comes up.

Some say ‘feel it to heal it’ but this workbook takes it a step deeper and helps you ‘see it to heal it.’ If you’re the kind of person who logically knows how to live a healthy lifestyle but you compulsively do the opposite, this workbook will illuminate what’s standing in the way. Then, you know exactly where to focus your energy.

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